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      "At Tidewater Integrated Movement Studios, our primary objective is very simple: We want to help you recapture the ability to use your body to its fullest potential."

Our Philosophy

    Unfortunately, your body is continuously subjected to stresses and strains that it is forced to adapt to; as this goes on, gravity and daily life tend to exacerbate these strains. Over the course of time these strains build up and are stored in the body's structure, specifically the connective tissue and nervous system. Your body develops “patterns” of movement and posturing as it continues to deal with new strains and these patterns can end up causing chronic pains, postural distortion, and poor performance. Eventually these patterns compound and can cause frustration as the body seems less willing to cooperate during every day tasks. This can become especially difficult for those who are accustomed to being very active. If you are used to playing sports or being active outdoors, such frustrations are sometimes depressing and can completely degrade your life experience. Some people just assume that they are "getting old". Thankfully, this is often not the case.

    By helping you realize where your body is in this process, we want to be able to help you move against the negative synergy that is effected by daily strains. This may involve teaching you to move more efficiently and “re-patterning” the bad habits that have become the norm. It may also call for a more hands on approach  to help rebalance the body's tissues and return it on a path to efficient functioning once again.​


    Whether you are an aspiring young athlete or a more experienced member of society, we look forward to assisting you and your body back toward better balance and function. From gardening to golfing and ballet to boxing, we want to help you enjoy the gift of healthy movement again.

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