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Rolfing® Structural Integration

     Structural Integration is a form or manual therapy that aims to realign and balance the body to allow for natural, healthy movement.

    The incredible design of our bodies allows us to perform all kinds of tasks and functions, from washing dishes to performing a gymnastics routine. Part of this design is the body's ability to adapt to the stress. Whether that stress comes from a traumatic accident, a heated argument, or carrying a heavy purse or briefcase, the body responds both to prevent further and future stress and adapt to the current stress. These responses are intricately balanced by the nervous system and other systems, and manifest in the body's structure as twists, bends and compression or hardening of tissues. The responses tend to restrict the designed function of the body as they are maintained by the connective tissue long after the original stress is passed, and the restrictions become habituated into daily life. They may go somewhat unnoticed for a time, except for appearing under the guise of "aging." As the body's structure becomes unbalanced, any number of problems can arise, from chronic pains to damaged joints, headaches and even respiratory or digestive disfunction.

    Structural Integration aims to restore health and function by untwisting, unbending, and decompressing the tissues that have become dysfunctional and restore dynamic and natural movement. This is done through manual techniques and movement exercises organized into a series of ten segments that systematically realign and integrate the whole body from head to toe. Unlike other forms of manual therapy such as massage or Chiropractic, which focus mostly on manipulation, Structural Integration focuses on reeducation of both the body's structure and function. Whether through verbal instruction or manual techniques, the client and therapist engage in a dialogue that ultimately results in greater mobility, body awareness, and comfort.

    Structural Integration does not focus on treating specific ailments, but rather on aligning and balancing the whole body. Thus, anyone looking for greater health, comfort, and performance can benefit from Structural Integration. By balancing tension and improving posture, Structural Integration can reduce or eliminate chronic pain. Also, the improved awareness, mobility, and alignment that Structural Integration promotes is particularly beneficial to athletes looking to perform their best and prevent or recover from injuries. Structural Integration is especially helpful to children, as the therapy can correct bad habits before they become chronic and debilitating issues. Ultimately the goal of Structural Integration is to allow the client to move naturally and with ease in any situation and use their body to its fullest potential.

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